Friday, March 4, 2011


"So are you going to miss me when I'm away?"

"Is it just another week to go?!"

That's a sister's secret code for "Darn it, do you really have to leave?!"

There we were sitting at a Chinese coffee shop in PJ devouring on bak chang while waiting for Mom to come out from her electric shock therapy whatever. A busy day at the clinic today it seems, it was quite a wait. I read the Reader's Digest from cover to cover, my lazy ploy to catch up with back issues.

My sister the bedtime storyteller

Earlier today I finally got a call from Cape Town. Riz made it safe albeit the clear exhaustion in his voice, understandably after the 20-hour flight. I barely survived the 14-hour KL-London flight. I'm looking forward to meeting Ian who's kind enough to offer his place for us to stay in Hout Bay, my first host through Couchsurfing. There's also Jos whom was introduced by Hemant, very excited to welcome us in Stellenbosch. Couchsurfing's a great avenue for travellers to get connected with each other no matter where you are around the globe, I myself have started many a great friendship through it, perhaps another reason why I feel strongly and more confidently about travelling. Initial strangers putting you up in their homes and a long-lasting relationship ensues.

I know this to be good start. 
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